Montelattaia Estate

Montelattaia, is a historic estate in the heart of the Tuscan Maremma, located between the sea of Castiglione della Pescaia and the hills of Roccastrada.

A unique territory characterized by a lone hill that rises from the surrounding plains. This particular landscape creates, for climate and ventilation, the ideal environment for the cultivation of the olive tree.

This is testified by the 1500 luxuriant olive trees, some millenary, distributed around our hill and on the surrounding fields.

Over the centuries many varieties of Tuscan olive trees have been added to the Montelattaia olive grove; from the most classic cultivars: Frantoio, Leccino, Moraiolo to the less common Leccio del Corno and Pendolino. It is from this variety of olive trees, combined with the particular landscape, that our olive oil gains its unique character and flavour.

A look at the Tenuta di Montelattaia, a place where the olive is queen in all its forms.

The history of the Montelattaia estate

Montelattaia, as an architectural structure finds its birth in Middle Ages: a monastic complex connected to the Abbey of San Salvatore a Giugnano. The first historical mention of Montelattaia dates back to 1288: “on a little elevated hill, covered with olive trees and vineyards, we find Montelattaria, today Montelattaia”. The complex, controlled at the beginning by the Aldobrandeschi family, at the end of the thirteenth century cames under the control of the Pannochieschi and in the late medieval era it was transformed into a feudal residence. This is the period where it was sold to the famous Sienese family of the Biringucci. At that time, however, Montelattaia wasn’t what we see today. This is the description in 1614 of the grand-ducal commissioner who reports the verses of the Sestini:
Acque stagnate in paludosi fossi.
Erba nocente che scura cresce.
Compresso fan la pigra aria di grossi
Vapori, donde virtù venefica esce;
e qualor più dal sol vengano percossi
fra gli animanti rio morbo si mesce.

In the middle of the 18th century the property passed from the Biringucci family to another noble family from Siena: the Brancadori. In this period many hectares were annexed, transforming Montelattaia into a vast estate. Also the church dedicated to Sant’Antonio that was built inside the architectural structure is coeval to this period.

In the early twentieth century the villa and the two thousand hectares around it passed to our family. Mario Levi Da Zara, a native of Padua, was a true innovator for Maremma: he gathered small plots to create extensive agricultural fields, planted rows of trees as wind stoppers, he planted peach and cherry orchards and above all had the extraordinary intuition to start breeding the Frisian breed Cows, for the Maremma a real cultural revolution. In 1968 the estate of Montelattaia passed to his daughter Amelia Levi Da Zara known as Maly, a cultured woman with a strong personality, wife of Giovanni Falck, president of the famous Italian steel factory. In the years to follow, Maly, who loved Montelattaia, continued the work of maintenance and redemption of the territory. Father and daughter brought innovation and progress in this area, but for both the love for the care of the olive trees of Montelattaia and its oil always remained a priority. Today, in the furrow traced of our distant relatives, we want to bring our extra virgin olive oil to excellence.

Montelattaia today: LeoVerde’s home

Starting from 2003 Filippo, together with his wife Daria and their sons Leonardo and Verde, begun a new chapter in the life of the Montelattaia, bringing a breath of innovation and energy to the territory.
The construction of the biogas plant and the photovoltaic plant transform the estate into a company at the forefront of the agro-energy sector. Nevertheless this recent revolution didn’t change the fundamental pillars that are the stronghold of our identity: respect for tradition and the protection of the natural environment. Our organic extra virgin olive oil is proof of all this: respect and knowledge of traditions combined with innovation and technological development.
Here, between the walls of Montelattaia, over a hill of ancient olive trees and new buds with great promises, between the yellow fields and the blue of the Tuscan sky, LeoVerde is born.
A farm where innovation and tradition become the promise of a cleaner and more natural world for today and for tomorrow.

Enter the world of the Montelattaia Estate

Extra vergine

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tuscan PGI


Azienda agricola
Roccastrada – Grosseto – Italy


Nocciolino di oliva vergine combustibile naturale per caldaia e stufe

Tenuta di Montelattaia

A place with an ancient flavour and a modern heart in the centre of the Tuscan Maremma.
feedback-ottimo-prodotti-tenuta-di-montellataiaBuongiorno Filippo, Sono soddisfatto per i riconoscimenti ottenuti per il vostro prodotto, li merita tutti. Sono riuscito a farlo conoscere bene in famiglia con un buon risultato, dato che l'ho fatto provare ad abbinare a svariate ricette, oltre che ad apprezzarlo singolarmente per il suo sapore deciso e avvolgente, che non necessita di altri condimenti accessori. Infatti, nella preparazione di bruschette si riesce ad apprezzare a pieno senza aggiunta di altro, come avete scritto nella vostra presentazione, confermo pienamente l'abbinamento su carni rosse cotte ai ferri, perfetto per valorizzare tagliate e piatti di bistecche alla fiorentina. Questa è la mia piccola recensione su questo oro verde, sono curioso di visitare il vostro sito internet quando sarà pronto.


"We have tried a large variety of oils over the years, and we have never come across anything like it! So be warned, once you had a taste of Montelattaia Olive Oil you have massively raised your benchmark and passed the point of return.

The oil has a subtle but very refined taste with a touch of spiciness, it has opened us to a new dimension of what olive oil can be about! At the same the taste is not intrusive or dominant and it therefore allows you to use it for a large variety of dishes such as salad all kinds of pasta and / or vegetables."

Daniel Scheven
Daniel SchevenEngland - August 2016

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