Welcome LeoVerde
- Innovation and research
- Respect for the traditions and nature
- Care for the environment
- Strong family values
LeoVerde is a project oriented towards excellence, efficiency and sustainable use of natural resources to create products that are very different from each other but are all linked by a common thread: quality and respect for the environment.
The pride of this project is the production of our Tuscan Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, created with the aim of achieving excellence in respect of territorial recognition.
An elegant product, with its own style and a precise identity that combines the advantages of modern processing with respect for tradition to extract the true Tuscan flavour.
A look at the LeoVerde Farm, a place where the olive is queen in all its forms
LeoVerde: the birth of the brand
LeoVerde, the name of our organic extra virgin olive oil PGI, has a particular value for Filippo and Daria; born in fact from the names of the two sons: Leonardo and Verde. LeoVerde therefore, besides remembering the characteristic colour of our oil and “green” energy, has a young and innovative soul projected towards the future of the new generations.
A choice, that of the name LeoVerde, which has come completely natural, because it represents the values of family, tradition, innovation and environment on which the our philosophy lays its foundations.
A future that remains firmly anchored to its roots, traditions, scents and colours of its land in the heart of the Tuscan Maremma. This is borne out by the logo used by the company: a drawing depicting Montelattaia made in the mid-1900s by Fosco Maraini, well-known intellectual and father of the writer Dacia, for his great friend Maly Levi Da Zara, Filippo’s grandmother and at the time owner of the estate.

LeoVerde: activities and products

The activities carried out by the LeoVerde are an integral part of the olive oil production chain and can be grouped into three distinct areas.
Renewable electricity production
With the aim of using and producing electricity with low environmental impact, the LeoVerde has developed:
- A 180 kWe photovoltaic power plant for the production of electricity
- A biogas plant with a capacity of 999 kWe
Our goal is to bring together innovation and respect for nature: the photovoltaic system, not only feeds our electricity consumption with totally renewable energy without carbon dioxide emissions, but, having installed the photovoltaic panels on the roofs of pre-existing stables, it was also possible to dismiss the extremely pollutants eternit roofs.
With the construction of the biogas plant in 2012, LeoVerde has evolved into a specialized farm in agro-energy through the cultivation of corn, triticale and ultimately beetroot, primary products to power the plant in order to produce renewable energy.
In the first 5 years of activity, we produced about 40 million kWh, powering the electricity consumption of about 400 families, with a saving, in terms of CO2 emissions, equal to more than 6 thousand tons.
Agricultural production has been maximized using the most modern techniques available. With intensive agriculture the environment would have eventually suffer and impoverished.
So, with a aim to bringing together innovation and nature, various mitigation actions were put in place to protect and restore the natural Maremma environment: thousands of plants of the Mediterranean flora have been placed, the fields perimeter hedges have been restored. 4 hectares have been torn from agriculture use to recreate the marshy environment where a small herd of “Maremman cows” graze in the wild. In fact, the “padule” was the typical environment of these areas before the land reclamation carried out by the Lorraine.

Nocciolino – wood fragments from olive seeds

In order to feed the needs of the biogas plant, in addition to the more traditional agro-energy foodstocks (mais, triticale…), we also use food waste and by-products. In our plant the most important by-product is certainly the pomace (sansa), a scrap from the pressing of the olives to make olive oil, which is a kind of paste made from residues of peel, part of the pulp and olive seed wood fragments. The peel and the pulp can be used to feed the “biogas”, while the wood fragments are indigestible and must necessarily be eliminated from the process. It is here that the nocciolino, separated by a mechanical process, becomes the ecological, economic and sustainable alternative to wood pellets.
With his high caloric power nocciolino is ideal for environment friendly stoves and boilers. Not only, given the minimum quantity of fumes and ash produced during combustion, this limits maintenance operations.
LeoVerde organic extra virgin olive oil
LeoVerde is also the name of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil, certified as Tuscan PGI. We collection of our olives at the right point of ripeness and bring them immediately to the mill for pressing them within a few hours of their harvest.
The different olive trees varieties with the prevalence of a Frantoio, makes LeoVerde an well endowed oil, slightly bitter and spicy, with hints of almonds and artichoke in its taste, particularly suitable to be consumed raw. The extremely high content of Biophenols (natural antioxidants), the very low acidity of less than 0.3% plus the absence of chemical residues, makes LeoVerde an excellence among the Tuscan Extra Virgin Olive Oils.